Polymathic Monthly: Issue 42: Microbiocene, Nikki Giovanni and MAYA.

Seyi Fabode
2 min readJun 28, 2020

To say it’s been a testing time since the last issue is to understate things a little bit. What’s been positive in the midst of all the craziness are the conversations I’ve had with friends, family, and some of you subscribers who’ve also been struggling through this period but see a positive future. It might not seem obvious that there is much good going on right now with COVID19 cases rising in the US and America finally having to reckon with some of the systemic issues it’s been sweeping under the giant carpet. I’ve even found positivity in celebrating Liverpool winning their first premiership title even though my lowly Arsenal continues to break my heart.

So I stay hopeful. And positive. But not all the time. During one of those hopeful moments is when I (unwittingly) put together this Answer to ‘I didn’t know’ issue of Polymathic to help educate people about black American history and why things are the way they are in the US right now. It’s a long list and I don’t expect anyone to read through everything in one sitting and be ‘woke’. The point is that you get some base knowledge which will then guide you to take the actions necessary towards equity and justice for all.

It’s another delightful PM this month. Reading helps me ‘escape’ (my wife does thousand piece puzzles for her escape when the kids aren’t running around the house non-stop) and I got to read some fantastic articles and books over the last few weeks. Most of them are actually recommendations from readers like yourself so thank you and keep them coming! Learn about the secret history of creation, invention, and discovery. An amazing (and I mean amazing) long read on pangolins, politics and (our) purpose; have we been thinking about ourselves (humans) as a sterile abstraction when we have always been (for viruses and all organic subsystems ) a pond like any other pond? You even get the revolutionary love poems of Nikki Giovanni and then you whiplash to learning about the real value of restaurants. Definitely a fun issue (as always, I hope).

I’ll also pub another newsletter that is pretty good! Charisse Says is all about financial well-being and you’ll benefit from it greatly like I do. And she happens to be a friend from b-school so check it out.

The newsletter emails will soon be coming from seyi@polymathicmonthly.com so add that to your safe list. Stay well. Stay safe. Stay positive. Take action. It’s the only way to ensure you’re in a better place on the other side of these unprecedented times.

Click here to read Issue 42 and be sure to enjoy!

Be well,


